Apostolic Audios Podcast
Who is Jesus? Who is God? What is love? What is sin? Why are we here? Why does God care about us? All very good questions, we explore these answers and more for teenagers by teenagers. Life is crazy, but it is infinitely better with Jesus. Let’s get to know Him together! Follow us on our Instagram! @apostolicaudios
Apostolic Audios Podcast
ep. 3: seven burning questions with renzo, part 1
Season 1
Episode 3
happy sunday! today, we have TWO guests with katie!! renzo, united youth group youth minister, and peyton, senior in high school. we begin a series we like to call "seven burning questions" where we ask an adult, this time renzo, seven burning questions about Catholicism! make sure to follow us on instagram (@apostolicaudios) so you can submit your questions too! hot topics today: what are sacraments? what is the catechism? adam and eve?? Jesus! all questions answered, today, on apostolic audios!